ISBN <-upc_ean_isbn->

E. Blot: Liuteria Italiana 1860-1960, Vol. II: Lombardia /Veneto
Hardback, 335pp. Second volume in the acclaimed series on Italian vioin making. This volume covers the region of Lombardy, surrounding Milan, and the Veneto region with Venice as its focal point. Featuring excellent color photographs of 53 instruments by 33 makers, including the Antoniazzis, the Bisiachs, the Cerutis, G. Gadda, the Galimbertis, Giuseppe Ornati, the Rovescallis, St. Scarampella, and many others. Measurements are provided for all instruments, and many of them are featured on four-page spreads with large-format, detailed color photos. Each instruments is characterized with a short text, and each maker is introduced with thorough biography and remarks on style and work methods. Close to 200 further makers are mentioned in the useful appendix. The volume includes extra full essays on the Antoniazzi and Bisiach families. Complete text in English and Italian.