ISBN <-upc_ean_isbn->

…and they made violins in Cremona from Renaissance to Romantic era.Four Centuries of Violin Making Art. The Exhibition in Cremona 2000Catalogue of the Ente Triennale Internatzionale degli Strumenti Ad Arco in Cremona 2000
222pp. With essays by Carlo Chiesa, Andrew Dipper, Roger G. Hargrave, Andrea Mosconi, John Topham and Dmitry Gindin on early and late violin making in Cremona as well as on the Amatis and on Stradivarius.Full text in English and Italian.With full page, excellent color photos of 28 instruments by Gennaro, Rogeri, Storioni, Rota, the Amatis, the Ruggeris, the Guarneris, the Stradivaris, the Bergonzis and the Cerutis. Each instrument is featured with photos of the table, the back, the scroll and the middle bout.