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Stefano Veggetti: Matthias Alban - fecit in Tyroli

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R. Hopfner: Meisterwerke - Sammlung Nationalbank Wien


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R. Hopfner: Meisterwerke - Sammlung Nationalbank Wien

R. Hopfner: Masterpieces of Violin-Making: The Collection of the National Bank in Vienna

Sturdy soft cover, 183pp.
Detailed color photos (table, back plus four scroll views) of 29 instruments (mostly violins) in the excellent Austrian National Bank Collection. Seven Stradivarius violins, three Guarneri del Gesù violins, and many other instruments by the Bergonzis, Guadagnini, Montagnana, Seraphin, etc. Each instrument is thoroughly characterized. Furthermore, a complete table of measurements (in exceptional detail) and a discography of recorded performances is provided for each instrument.Text in English and German.


Dieses Produkt haben wir am Dienstag, 11. November 2008 in unseren Katalog aufgenommen.

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